We are created in the image of God. Sally shared beautifully that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, and that He is an exact representation of God. (see Genesis 1:27, Leviticus 26:1, Jeremiah 9:24, Hebrews 1:3, I Peter 2:9). We are created in His image and are called to reflect Him so that others may see what He is like. In order to reflect Him though, we must understand and know Him. The study of God through His Word reveals wisdom that impacts our lives and how we live and express Him to others. Our heritage is that we were made to reflect the divine.
Reflect: v. to reproduce, show
I am learning that I can only reflect what I see. What my eyes are fixed on is what I will become. We become what we behold. What am I beholding? Where is my focus? Am I focused on what I need to accomplish, on how I want my children to behave, or am I focusing on my loving Heavenly Father? Am I studying His word and discovering how Jesus interacted with his disciples? How did he treat his disciples in their lack of faith, in their disobedience, as they interrupted him during his quiet time? My heart's desire is to reflect His image. This has been written on a piece of paper by my computer for several years. This will not just happen because I wrote it down and look at it every day. I must invest...invest in prayer, in studying the Word, in understanding who it is that I desire to reflect. And I must stop wasting my time focusing on things that are not true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable.
Sally also presented a picture of Fatherhood by looking at God the Father through the focal point of Jesus. What beautiful imagery she shared as we explored the attributes and roles of God. Do these attributes characterize your life?
Parent, Lover, Creator, Provider, Shepherd, Teacher, Trainer, Servant, Son, Redeemer, Righteous Judge, Lord of Hosts.
I hope that one day Sally will put her created message into a book. The depth of study and wisdom is beyond the scope of a blog post and worthy of savoring over time again and again.
My encouragement for us today is to think about what we reflect to our children, our husband, our friends and family. And start beholding who it is we were created to reflect.
"We are all starved for the glory of God, not self. There is greater healing for the soul in beholding splendor than there is in beholding self." John Piper