Friday, May 2, 2008

Cleaning 101

***Disclaimer***This post does not directly relate to our book club.
So my house cleaning experience goes back to my days in college when I would go to Stax gas station and get a 64 oz Dr. Pepper and a hot dog around 9 or 10 am on Saturday. I would then go back to my apartment (all 400 sq ft of it) and spend the day cleaning each room from head to toe while Lifetime tv movies played in the background. By afternoon I would be completely finished with an entirely clean house and could then go about my studying etc. Well, flash forward to now...three kids, more square footage and knowledge that my diet then was terrible. I am realizing that it is not possible to clean my house in one day...the demands of motherhood just won't allow it. I am trying to develop a new system (one that doesn't include a lifetime's worth of soda in one day). I have broken down all of the chores into daily, weekly, monthly, bimonthly, etc. and am making a schedule with a few tasks to complete each day so that over time everything will be clean (albeit not all on the same day, which I am learning is okay:). The reason for this post is to ask all of you what your routine do you keep up with it all? Do you do it all in one day or split it up, if so, how do you split it up and most importantly are you able to keep it up? I would love to hear your insight into this. I really wish I enjoyed the process of cleaning as much as I enjoy a clean house. Looking forward to hearing from you!


JenniferLayne said...

I invite my mom over...

JenniferLayne said...

Just kidding (sort of!). I'll write more on this later, and I'd love to hear what you all do, too!!