Thursday, October 13, 2011

Created: Reflections Part 4


We are created and designed for family.  We are made for marriage.  During the Leadership Intensive, Sally inspired us by presenting a portrait of what we are created for by God.  She shared Biblical truth about family and the purpose of marriage.  Family is the unit created to pass on righteousness and the purpose of marriage is to leave a family legacy. 

"A woman with a vision will accomplish great things." 
"Without a vision, you make decisions quickly and without intentionality." 
--Sally Clarkson

Vision:  n.   the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be

Sally shared that we live in a broken world, but we have the capacity to redeem, to build life, beauty and grace.  Marriage and family are about sharing life and leaving a legacy.  We tend to measure our lives by morality, but we need to be faith focused.  We need to release the power of the Holy Spirit in our children, and it is the Holy Spirit in their lives that will bring greatness. 

I am inspired to the core, in the depths of my heart, through the vision that Sally cast for what our families can be.  And being in her home, with her family and friends, seeing this vision lived out and the fruit that comes with time gave me hope.  Hope that trusting in God's plan, and intentionally living the vision He gives for my family will leave a legacy of faith and love.  We are to create a family culture and purpose and decide how our family is going to go out and bring light to the world.  Each family has a work to accomplish.  What is your family called to do?  How will your family bring God's kingdom to bear upon the earth?

God forgives, gives grace, redeems.....we need to bring this light to our children in this broken world.

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