Saturday, April 23, 2011

Living Out Eucharisteo Before My Boys

I just finished chapter 8. I can't believe it myself (especially thinking of the way I devoured the first seven chapters so quickly!), but I got distracted and set the book aside for a bit. So, I re-read chapter seven and then moved on to chapter 8. As I read this morning, I kept thinking, "how did I possibly allow myself to set this book aside????".

Anyway, I loved reading about Ann's encounter with her son...the attempt to understand what was happening "under the toast". I have always had a deep need to understand the issues behind our boys' actions and reactions. In fact, this has caused some conflict along the way when my dear husband has felt that we should simply discipline or punish more quickly rather than talking through the situation. I will admit that there are times he has been right and I've been wrong...sometimes the consequence was clearly needed and should have been expected right away by the guilty boy. BUT I have seen God bring healing and understanding as we've opened up situations and looked at the deeper issues. As I read chapter eight, I felt God affirming that and also leading me to show these three boys how to really SEE God in their brothers, in their conflicts, in their dealings with each other.

I begin to I model this? Do I really see God in their little faces? Of course, I want my answer to be yes AND in the moments when they are being so sweet and cute and "God-like" (or at least my interpretation of God-like), I can answer confidently that I see God in them. BUT do I see Him in their faces of disgust or bitterness? Do I see God when they are demanding their own way? Do I give thanks when I feel like a mother duck being pecked to death by her ducklings? Do I see God when they don't look the way I think God looks? Will I be thankful in the next little while when one of them wakes up before I am done with my alone time this morning?

I have some work to do. I want them to see Eucharisteo lived out before their eyes in all kinds of situations. My hope is that giving thanks and seeing joy will be as much a part of them as breathing.

a great day of hiking during spring break with my posse....

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