Sunday, April 13, 2008

Chapter Five

I find myself reading and rereading the chapters in this the pick up line at school, in the rocking chair during naptime, in the bed at night, and this week, thanks to my wonderful husband, in the massage chair getting a pedicure. He took an afternoon off, I got all three kids in bed for quiet time/nap time and then I headed off with my book. It amazes me how I feel that I need a break and then once I'm gone for ten minutes I am missing the kids and calling to check on them. I love reading about Sally's family and the stories about how she cares for her children. If you want to read more from her, I included a link to her blog in the sidebar.
Several things stood out to me in this chapter. "Often our lives are so overrun with small tasks that we get caught up in checking off the lists of things that need to be done and lose sight of the big picture. From there, we too easily fall into the trap of judging ourselves and our children by external standards of success and cultural priorities rather than by what really matters to God." (p.80-81) For someone who is a list maker/a little ocd/task oriented, this is something I need to remember every day. "I don't just want my kids to be moral. I don't just want them to know all of the biblical rules for behavior. I don't just want them to make it through my home with good grades, no drug addiction and no premarital sex. I want them to leave my home with a hunger and passion to know God personally and to be used by him to accomplish great things for his kingdom. I want them to personally hear God's voice and have his Spirit's gentle touch and impression on their hearts as they read the Scriptures and struggle with the issues of life." (p.80) This is the desire of my heart and I pray each morning will be the focus of my day.
I am seeing my #1 child grow in her relationship with Jesus. She asked Jesus into her heart last fall. Her prayer time is so special and I love to hear her pour out her heart to God. Tonight she read her book "God loves me" to me. This book tells of all of the ways God is faithful and provides for us. I love her precious little voice reading to me...."that is how I know God loves me." She said to me the other night, "Mommy, when I am in my room and my family isn't there with me I am not alone because Jesus is with me. When I go to my room for alone time, I can have alone time with Jesus." Yes my sweet girl....we all need to go to our room for alone time with Jesus.
In the "Something to try" section Sally recommends devotions, prayer, Bible reading with your kids. We have had many different routines with devotional time with the kids through the years. I would really love to hear what you are doing in your family and what you have found that works well for you and your children.


JenniferLayne said...

I just started chapter 5. I read chapter 4 twice, and I still want to read it some more. I'm only a couple of pages into chapter 5, so I'll try to write an entry in a couple of days. Sorry I've been out of the picture. My sister- and brother-in-law have been here the last week and are flying out Thursday for two years in Cambodia. Added to that, I thought I was going to be induced on Monday, but now it might be Friday. So, things have been a bit hectic. I'm still reading, to you all soon.


MBWR said...

This chapter, although I read it several weeks ago, was really impactful. It challenged me to start really exposing my Zoe to the Word in an age appropriate level.Honestly, we have been praying and talking about God in terms of honoring and obeying Mom and Dad, but had not done much in really getting into His Story. So, I stumbled (providentially most likely) into a book at the hospital gift shop: it is called 100 Bible Stories. It is set up perfectly for daily devotions for kids. It also has a music CD with a related song for each day. IT has been so great. She has wanted to do it everyday. I have been blessed by it as well.