Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Chapter Four

Okay, so I've mentioned the "turning the corners down" thing that I do when I want to come back to something or something really sticks out to me...well, every corner is turned down in this chapter. I read it again today in the pick up line at preschool and it is so timely for me. The servant mother...that is so where I want to be as a mother, wife, friend, daughter. Yet, I fall short every day. Which is exactly it. I fall short. He never falls short. Sally says in this chapter that we need the Holy Spirit to accomplish this role of servant mother. I must surrender, stop running around tending to the "stuff" of life every day and being so consumed with managing the "stuff" that I miss the huge opportunity and responsibility of winning their hearts in the process. I have waited to post about this chapter because it is hard for me to grasp what all I am learning and all of the ways my heart is changing. This chapter and the things God is showing me about myself and my life have brought me to my knees in tears and repentance. I have gone through times in my walk with Jesus where I am learning things and changing at this manageable pace, when my circumstances are pretty much okay and life is "good." Then there are times like now, when God shows me that big changes are coming and big changes are needed.

Let's read chapters 5 and 6 in the next week, completing part two: A Mother's Heart for Her God

1 comment:

Mommy Lion said...

I am so with you on this chapter. I haven't even finished it completely. My hubby sent me to my room today for a time-out, so I picked up the book to start chapter 4. What better timing!?! God is really showing me the areas He wants to grow me and as we have experienced some new-birth in our yard this spring, I'm praying that I will have some spiritually too!
Thank you all for sharing so openly and allowing me to be a part.