Saturday, April 26, 2008

Miraculous in a Magical Sort of Way

I am astounded at the ways that scripture changes people and I always want to describe it as "magical". I don't mean magical in a fake, David Copperfield, smoke and tricky way, but magical as in awestruck or overcome with wonder. I think of Ezra when he saw Mickey's castle at Disney World--that was magical for him, and everytime we watch a Disney movie and the castle comes on the screen, he screams, "Mickey's castle" and his face is overcome with the same wonder. That's the way I feel when I see God's word make changes in others or in myself that could not have happened otherwise.

I loved chapter six for this reason. It encouraged me to keep pressing on with our kids, planting scripture deep down whether it seems to be affecting them right now or not. Tim and I were just talking about this last night, in fact, as we were feeling sad about some choices some of our "other kids" (teens from church) are making. We found ourselves getting down, wondering if anything we're doing, with our own kids or our "other kids" is making a difference. When this happens, we always come back to God's promise that His word will not return void. Among other things, of course, our job is to teach them the word and then watch God work His "magic" in their lives. So, we once again resolved to make reading the Bible together a nightly priority rather than the "2-3 times weekly, when we happen to remember" thing it has become.

So, when I read chapter 6 this morning, it was a huge confirmation to me, like God was saying, "You're on the right track. I'll take care of your kids--you just be obedient."

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