Friday, February 25, 2011

Check this out

Guys, reading the Bible while reading this book has really made me alert to moments that are "not enough" and yet worthy of giving thanks to God. Check out Mark 7:24-8:10(NIV). It highlights two instances where things did not go according to Jesus' plan! Imagine that?... He wanted no one to know he was going into that house, and he wanted no one to talk of the healing of the deaf/mute man he had healed. But, instead of bemoaning his seeming lack of control, he embraced the situation and saw what he was supposed to do...  This is helpful to me because it is an example of my everyday situation. This is good news.

1 comment:

JenniferLayne said...

ooh....this is good news to me too. I have never thought about that before. I tend to become quite "un-eucharisteoish" when my plans get thwarted. In fact, I handle bigger plans being derailed better than my small plans...fairly insignificant things like cleaning something or finishing laundry I have planned for the day or the afternoon. I have already been convicted to see the interruptions as things to be thankful for, to embrace, to be present in. BUT it's so encouraging to see the example of Jesus in this.